Arming Yourself to Defeat
Insomnia and Nightmares
Caused by Deployment

Sleep is a cornerstone of wellness, getting enough sleep is necessary to live the life you deserve. Adequate sleep is a vital requirement to keeping the body and mind healthy. Yet despite the fact that sleep is essential for health and general wellbeing, thousands of military service members, spouses and children do not get enough sleep and experience various sleep problems such as insomnia and nightmares.

Feeling the Burden of Deployment at Night

Deployment may be one of the biggest challenges for military families. As a military spouse, you may not only worry about your soldier’s safety, but you may also shoulder a large share of family responsibilities alone while they are away. Not surprisingly, you may spend each night struggling to fall asleep, tossing and turning in bed thinking both of your spouse and children until the morning sun finds you still wide awake.

Nightmares can also be a frequent occurrence. Even if you’ve not experienced deployment yourself, the thoughts of having a spouse experiencing this may be enough to give you recurring and intense nightmares. Oftentimes, you may find yourself waking up in sweat, unable to get back to sleep again.

What Harm Can Insomnia and Nightmares Cause?

Sleep deprivation can affect your brain’s ability to solve problems, make decisions, react to situations, and/or manage your emotions. Lack of sleep can result in mood swings, irritability, depression, and even thoughts of harming yourself. All of these symptoms can be difficult to manage, particularly if you believe that you “have to be strong” during deployment.

Based on data from the New England Journal of Medicine, military spouses have the highest risk of experiencing emotional and psychological distress. What is clear is that deployments can put a heavy strain on military families, possibly increasing susceptibility to depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Getting The Sleep You Deserve

It can be important to note that insomnia and nightmares are both common symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Like most individuals experiencing sleep difficulties, you may benefit from counseling to address what might be causing your specific symptoms.

If insomnia and nightmares are keeping you awake at night, then by all means it may be time to get rid of them. Fight back with the help of a licensed, independently contracted counselor. Call Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC right away. Well-trained counselors with extensive experience in treating sleep problems like yours are available. Call now and request an appointment.