Recognizing the Need for Help to Resolve Family Conflict

Problems may surface even in the healthiest of families, challenging the foundation on which the family structure is built. When the individuals in a family express their own unique thoughts and opinions, it is not surprising for disagreements to occur. Differing viewpoints can help each member to learn and grow, but this can also result in conflict, and in some situations conflict where it seems no one can win.

The Distressing Effects of Family Conflicts

You may believe that your family is supposed to be the source of love, strength, and hope, an institution that provides comfort and safety. In reality, not all families fulfill this expectation. Instead, there are some families that increase stress, anger, misunderstanding, and lead to unmet needs. From minor irritations to deep resentments, from petty arguments to unresolved conflicts and all that’s in between, family can create a great deal of distress.

While a certain amount of conflict is healthy, excessive tension within the family can exact a toll on the members’ physical, emotional, psychological and behavioral health. Common family problems can lead to divorce, financial difficulties, chronic illness, grief and substance abuse. The evidence of repeated and unresolved family conflicts may contribute to depression, mood swings, and dramatic behavioral shifts in children and teens.

Opening the Door to Help

Conflict is natural in any relationship, including family relationships. But, when the frequency and intensity of disagreements are affecting daily functioning and the happiness of family members, outside intervention may be necessary. You may feel stuck, believing that resolving family issues is supposed to be an internal matter between family members. Resolving deep seated concerns can be incredibly difficult and you are not alone in facing this.

Counseling can be incredibly helpful and effective in resolving family conflict. Therapy can serve as neutral ground for each member to be heard. With counseling, there is a neutral voice that can challenge you to look at things from a different perspective. In particular, family counseling provides the necessary tools to resolve family conflicts and move forward together.

Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC contracts with independent, professional and licensed therapists with years of experience helping families resolve conflict together. Your call to schedule an appointment can be the start of a new and exciting journey for your family.

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