Recovering from Hurt:
No Need to Do it Alone

Nobody can be totally spared or buffered from hurt all the time. Getting emotionally hurt is part of being alive and each person is as vulnerable as everyone else. Bouncing back from hurt is your option. It is something that comes naturally to most people, but not to everyone. If you’re hurting right now, remember that you don’t have to lick your own wounds in silence. It will be easier to recover from it if you will let people into your life, specifically people who understand your emotional pain.

Hurting More with Isolation

If you are suffering emotional pain, you may find that you are isolating yourself from others. You may want to shift your thoughts to other things such as school or work. Without people to help you accept the pain and to confront it, you’ll just get lonelier. Being alone won’t help as hurt feeds on isolation and loneliness making it worse. It can even lead to other psychological problems such as extreme loneliness, anxiety, or depression.

Recovery is the Norm

Studies show that regardless of how intense your emotional pain is, you should eventually be able to adapt well, particularly with help from positive people. Recovery will not be that easy; expect to have difficulty accepting your tragic loss or unfortunate or traumatic experience. Staying away from others can make you more vulnerable to negative thoughts. Healing can happen with social support and interaction with people. Developing resilience against extreme life stresses within a reasonable amount of time is more attainable when you allow others to help.

How Others May Help

You need people who will show support, listen to you and empathize with your loss or misfortune. People you know who have positive perspectives are great sources of emotional strength during these occasions. If they are family who have suffered and are in deep pain as you are, you can draw strength and support from each other. You may also reach out to support groups available in your community or online, or seek for professional help as a group or as a family. The most important thing is to open up and be with people who care.

Fast Tracking Recovery with Help

If your pain is taking longer to heal or you have limited support system, you need a trained, Licensed Professional to listen and help you get back to your normal life. While joining support groups led by a professional can help, it is usually more effective to get individual counseling before joining others in such groups. Private counseling is effective because the entire effort of the therapy is focused on your specific needs. Joining others later can reinforce the fact that there are many like you who are hurting as bad and getting well with professional help.

Recovering from Hurt with CCS

Your hurt makes you feel alone, but you are not. Aside from your family and friends, a Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC therapist is here to listen. Just let your door open a bit by calling, texting or leaving a word in our website. Let’s talk about your hurt and let us walk you down the road to recovery. You need not be alone at this time.

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