Online Counseling
Is Available with Medicare

Medicare beneficiaries can now receive online counseling with Carolina Counseling Services!

Online Counseling, also referred to as; Telemental Health/Tele Behavioral/Tele Mental Health by many insurance providers. These terms are interchangeable, and they have the same meaning.

Medicare will now approve online counseling for beneficiaries. Online counseling is treated as an in-office counseling session.

CCS contracts licensed, independent therapists who specialize in a lot of different services to assist you in the best way possible.

Online Counseling is often described as an easy and convenient way to have a counseling session. You can select a counselor who doesn’t practice near your home, but you may want a counselor who is nearby, in case later you want to make an office visit.

Online counseling may continue to be offered after the pandemic is over, though this is unknown. Contact CCS – Southern Pines, NC today to schedule your online counseling session.

We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Deductibles/Copays are treated as in-office counseling sessions.
  • Therapists must be licensed in the State they are in as well as the State that you are in during the time of your session.