Getting In Touch With Your Emotions Through Psychotherapy

Who hasn’t felt being emotionally overwhelmed? Everyone has been there at one time or another. It can happen when you are swamped with too many events happening all at once. If the feeling overpowers you, you may not be able to find the balance between your thoughts, feelings and your physical body. It can cripple your ability to think and act sensibly. If the feeling persists for an unreasonably extended period of time, counseling can help.

Living with It is Not the Way

You need to get in touch with your emotions. Eluding or bottling up the emotion may help make you live with it, but it can’t be a happy, fulfilling life. Once “bottled”, emotions can be released in unproductive ways – feelings of insecurity, anger, anxiety or even depression can be negatively manifested in your behavior –irritableness, anger outbursts, crying, withdrawing from relationships, insomnia, and more. Physical manifestations such as panic attacks, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, chest pain and/or sweating are also common symptoms of emotional overwhelm.

Who would want any of that? The thing is, you don’t need to unnecessarily live with your emotions when you are overwhelmed by it. There is a way out of it: psychotherapy.

Taking Action

Facing your emotions and accepting your need for help is just the first step. To defeat “overwhelm”, you must take action. While there are strategies and activities you can pursue to shift your attention to something positive, all of these can better propel you towards recovery with therapy.

As emotional overwhelm can be a result of unprocessed feelings due to having several at one time, a skilled psychotherapist can guide you to process them. The therapist can also help you discover the roots to understand and work through the feelings so you can resolve or feel comfortable with them. With counseling, you can sort out the emotions with a different perspective to be able to view them with objectivity.

Therapy as the Next Step

Your emotional problems may trigger physical health problems as well. You may feel extreme anxiety to the extent of feeling tired all the time. Sleeplessness and loss of appetite may also weaken your immune system making you vulnerable to so many kinds of infections and disorders. Psychological problems have many possible roots just as they can cause you multiple health problems.

Psychotherapy is your best shot to understanding and taking control of your emotions. If you are experiencing psychological and physical problems due to emotional overwhelm, it is logical (and comforting) to solve your concerns with psychotherapy than with a pill. While medication may ease certain physical symptoms, it will never be able to fix the emotional devastation you feel with the death of your loved one, the breakup of your marriage, your bankruptcy, etc.

Psychotherapy with an independently contracted therapist with Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC

It takes more than determination to decide to have therapy which entails opening up and getting in touch with your raw emotions and painful or traumatized thoughts. You need courage and motivation to go through this challenging process.

The independently contracted therapists with Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC understand this and will make sure to provide you the chance to recover from your “emotional overwhelm”. Your therapist will be there to provide you with tools to give your life a turnaround to be able to better relate with others, build the life you have always aspired for yourself, and catch the curveballs that life may throw on you.

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