When Addiction Causes Harm
to your Marriage

Substance use can be an unwelcome stressor in a marriage. Having a spouse who drinks too much or is abusing drugs can be compared to throwing a pebble into a serene pond – the ripple it creates can affect all that surround it. In marriage, the effect of substance abuse can be felt by the children, relatives and friends. But, the one to be hit most may be the abuser’s partner.

Tell-tale Signs that Your Marriage is Distressed by Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can create emotional distance in a relationship. Substance use may cause you to fight and argue until it starts to get worse and perhaps even violent. The fights can be used to justify substance abuse, using in order to cope with stress. With addiction, it may cause serious marital conflicts. The conflict may prompt more substance abuse, resulting to more conflicts and an even more vicious cycle.

Oftentimes, it can be very difficult for the non-using partner to get out of the downward spiral. When the common danger signals are present in your marriage, it may be time to take stock of the situation and find a way to make the drinking and drug use stop. Like other couples, you may be hoping these issues will resolve by themselves over time. Sadly, that may not be possible.

Seeking Help as a Couple

When substance abuse occurs in marriage, it can also be important to identify and treat the problems in the relationship as well. Otherwise, these problems may persist even if the drinking or drug use has been stopped. You may even find yourself becoming more and more frustrated if the fights and arguments continue even after substance abuse has been treated successfully.

Since treatment can be essential for both substance abuse and for your damaged relationship, the possible benefits of seeking help as a couple cannot be overemphasized. If the issues in your marriage are not properly addressed, your home may become a dwelling place for continued conflict. As a result, drinking or drug use may return. Eliminating substance abuse may only be the starting point. Full and lasting recovery is even more possible when there is harmony in your relationship.

Overcoming Addiction with Marital Counseling

With the help, expertise, and guidance of a licensed, independently contracted counselor, you and your spouse can benefit from the most appropriate treatment approach for substance abuse and marital conflict. Your therapist will earnestly work with you as a couple to help you recover by learning how to forgive, heal, and restore your marriage that may have been damaged by addiction. Call Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC now to request an appointment.

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