Alleviating Insomnia/Nightmares
for Wonderful Days

Like everyone else, you may have problems getting a good night’s sleep. There are nights when you find it hard to fall asleep or being disturbed by dreams in the middle of the night. There’s nothing to worry about because these problems usually disappear by themselves after a short period of time. However, if you continue to sleep badly for weeks, months or years, you’re most likely suffering from one or both of the most common sleep problems.


The inability to fall asleep or get back to sleep after waking up in the night is called insomnia. It can also happen in the wee hours of the morning, making you restless and constantly tired during the day. Disturbed or light sleep or being awake during most part of the night is also characteristics associated with insomnia.

As a sleep disorder, insomnia can affect people of all ages, afflicting more adult females than adult males. Studies reveal that insomnia is more common in people with emotional or behavioral issues such as depression and anxiety. When untreated, insomnia can lead to chronic diseases and other health problems like obesity and poor immune system.


According to sleep experts, there’s nothing unusual to occasionally wake up from a bad dream or nightmare. Nightmares are dreams with intense themes and specific content related to events or experiences in your life. But, if your nightmares are frequent, causing you a deep sense of fear or terror, and affecting the quality of your sleep, it may be time for you to get some help that will resolve issues that you are experiencing during the daytime which may be contributing to your nightmares.

Experiencing frequent and intense nightmares may cause you worry that every time you go to sleep you’ll wake up from another nightmare. You may find yourself avoiding sleep, which may result in impairing important parts of your functioning system.

Rest for the Sleepless

You probably know the basic principles to get a good sleep: no caffeine late in the day, a comfortable sleeping environment, warm bath, and no electronic (blue screen) devices. However, all these may not give you sound sleep, especially if you have sleep problems like insomnia and nightmares. Both of these conditions may have deeper underlying issues that need to be discovered. Sometimes they are symptoms being manifested by other disorders. Oftentimes, it takes a professional to dig into what’s keeping you up at night.

Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC has the right therapeutic approach to alleviate your physical and emotional tensions that are giving you sleepless and nightmarish nights. Our contracted counselors are ready to help you get the sleep you crave for. Soon enough you will find that you’re able to sleep again normally and wake up feeling refreshed to face a new day ahead. Call, text, or send an email to Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC to request an appointment.

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