Do You Suffer from Hopelessness?

Feelings of hopelessness can be overpowering and consuming, they can lead you to feel that there’s no point in trying anymore and make you feel like giving up. There can feel like there is no room for hope when you can see no way of resolving your problems or improving your situation.

Hopelessness leaves you a bleak perspective of the future and can make you feel like life is worthless. Along with feelings of hopelessness comes negative thinking. You may know that the negative thoughts aren’t true, but when they are so powerful it can be easy to forget what it was like to feel hopeful. without treatment, the feeling can get worse. Left untreated, feelings of hopelessness can escalate to self-harm and even thoughts of suicide. You can intervene before it gets to that point, help is available.

Reasons for Hopelessness

Rejection, illness, failures, broken relationships, feeling unwanted or unloved are just a few events that result in feelings of hopelessness. These feelings can creep up when you least expect it and can be difficult to spot at times. Before you know it, they can become intense and all consuming. You may even find yourself withdrawing from those closest to you and not doing the things you enjoy most. While you may realize on a good day this is counterproductive, when you are consumed with feelings of hopelessness it can be hard to care.

No matter how hopeless you feel, giving up is not an option. Hopelessness and depression are powerful, but you are not powerless.

Never Give Up

Hopelessness can be fueled by the way we talk to ourselves and by the world around us. is usually self-inflicted. If you feel that things can’t improve you can begin to convince yourselves that there is no chance to make your situation better. Maybe, it feels like solutions are beyond you, not an option for you at this time. While that feeling makes sense, it is likely untrue.

Before a new perspective can be obtained, it is likely that there is work to be done. There are things you can do to find a way out from under your feelings of hopelessness. You can choose to get better and there are a number of trained professionals that can help you on your journey.

Help from the Outside

You cannot simply snap out of hopelessness. When untreated, it can become Depression, trigger other physical illnesses, or lead to thoughts of self-harm or suicide. The support and help of family and friends can be crucial during this difficult time. They can be instrumental in helping to work through these feelings, but support may not be enough.

It can be beneficial for all to consider an outside perspective to provide an alternative view, a different perspective. Hopelessness is highly treatable especially when you work with well-trained professionals. In most cases, many individuals who seek counseling to treat hopelessness respond very well and find that their symptoms go into remission.

Hope from Carolina Counseling Services

Don’t stay stuck in your feelings of hopelessness. Life can be full of hope. Help is just a phone call, a text or an email away. Get information or request for an appointment with Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC. CCS contracts with independent, licensed therapists that can help you move through your difficult feelings. Get back to feeling hopeful again, call today to schedule your first appointment.

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