Raising Children
with Behavior Problems

Parenting is never easy. You can never be perfect in raising your own children, and there can be times when your children will have episodes of bad behavior. Your child may have tantrums, tell lies, show hostility, and even talk back to you. If a child loses control of his/her behavior, becomes aggressive and gets into trouble, it may be a clue that your may need some behavioral intervention.

As a parent, you may be certain your child needs help, but you’re not sure what kind of intervention is necessary. How should you make a decision on what course of treatment is best for your child if behavioral problems arise? To put your mind to ease, seek help from a professional to evaluate your child. Only a professional can provide help and provide the most appropriate and effective treatment.

Red Flags of Behavioral Problems in Children

There are certain signs indicating you need to seek professional help for your child. This partial list includes alarming signs that should prompt you to make the call to prevent your child’s problematic behaviors from getting worse.

  • self-inflicted harm or injury like cutting or head-banging
  • cruelty to animals
  • violent behaviors such as breaking/throwing things or hurting others
  • extreme stubbornness
  • seeing/hearing things not visible/audible to others
  • lack of shame and guilt
  • lack of empathy
  • frequent or extreme temper tantrums
  • refusing to go to school
  • frequent or extreme anger
  • withdrawal
  • extreme jealousy of a sibling

When your child’s behavior is already affecting his/her daily life at home, school, and play, there is no better time than now to ask a professional to evaluate your child and rule out psychological health concerns.

Getting Guaranteed Professional Help

As parent, you’re the first person to recognize your child’s behavioral problem. However, it doesn’t lessen the pain even if you have finally come to the decision to seek outside help. You may try to gently talk with your child about the condition, but only a trained, licensed professional can get to the root of the problem. A professional would know what type of counseling/treatment would be appropriate for your child regardless of underlying cause.

At times, it is helpful for parents to attend parental counseling sessions to actively participate in their child’s treatment plan. Parenting experts and therapists know that parents coaching kids is more effective than the therapist working with the child alone.

Where to Look for Professional Help

A good place to start and end your search is Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NCCCS – Southern Pines, NC does not only stand by its long years of experience and education; we offer the best child-friendly approach to help children of all ages modify behavior and make positive changes onward to adult years. Get access to CCS – Southern Pines, NC through phone, text, and email to request for an appointment.

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