Moving On from Emotional Crisis

Everyone goes through bad times in life, and quite often, concerns get resolved and people see the end of these unwelcome periods. However, some blows in life are bigger than others, and these blows can cause even the strongest person to undergo emotional crisis. Some of the challenges that bring on the worst emotional overwhelm are the death of a loved one, loss of work, life-threatening illness, or the break-up of a marriage or an intimate relationship. Strangely, even happy developments in life are considered stressors, and these can result in an emotional crisis.

What can bring about emotional turmoil?

Aside from uncontrollable problems and situations, there are factors that make people vulnerable to emotional turmoil. A good number of people leave themselves defenseless against overwhelm, and there are several reasons for this. Some individuals get blindsided by extreme changes in life because they hold themselves to an unreasonable standard of outward strength and self-sufficiency, expecting themselves to take life’s setbacks without support or help.

Others make themselves vulnerable to emotional turmoil because they have high expectations of things they do not control. These can include expectations regarding marriage, job promotions, and relations with other people. Disappointments in these areas can cause serious disappointment, and not all people take this very well.

Still others set themselves up for emotionally laden situations when they invest emotionally in things they cannot control. This can include making plans that are contingent on factors that proceed according to uncontrollable factors. All these illustrate situations that can lead to anxiety and depression, and it is best to take a close look at how seriously these can affect a person’s emotional well-being.

Signs that Indicate Emotional Turmoil

Individuals who are going through emotionally challenging times need to watch out for signs that indicate turmoil. At the top of the list is a change in sleep patterns; people who are going through such a situation may notice themselves being unable to sleep. An equally large number will find themselves sleeping all the time.

A change in appetite can also show that a person is experiencing emotional turmoil. Some will lose their appetite and lose interest in food where this was a source of pleasure to them, and some will find themselves eating a lot more than they used to. Eating and overeating are two sides of a coin that tells a person a lot is weighing on them.

Mood swings, difficulty in concentrating, a persistent lack of energy, a loss of interest in activities that used to be appealing – all these are signs that a person is distraught. These are signs that should be listened to.

Support during Emotionally Challenging Times

Seeking professional support is one of the best things you can do if you are going through an emotionally challenging time. You don’t have to deal with emotional stress and the turmoil it brings. Get in touch with  Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC, and you will be matched with a competent and caring individually contracted counselor.

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