The Time to Seek
Couples Counseling

Any committed relationship requires work, especially when it faces challenges. Whether large or small, everyday stressors may threaten the foundation on which a relationship is built. For as long as a couple is willing to confront concerns and come up with solutions, most relationship problems can be resolved. But when a crisis is left unattended, tensions can increase, poor habits can set in, and the stability of the relationship can be put at stake.

Effect of Common Stress and Strains on Relationships

There are a number of strains that can jeopardize a marriage or a committed relationship. Power struggles, chronic illness, parenting, financial difficulties, intimacy challenges, and infidelity all put additional pressure on a relationship. These stressful circumstances can affect either the couple as a whole or an individual partner. The frequency of arguments and the intensity of resentment are things to watch out for as signs that underlying problems have not been properly addressed.

It can be “normal” for couples to argue from time to time. But when insults, humiliation, anger, or frustration have become the norm, a relationship can truly suffer. Chronic conflict can contribute to the development of psychological and emotional health conditions such as depression and anxiety. One or both spouses may feel angry, ashamed, or guilty. Sometimes, relationship problems can lead to addictive behaviors in an attempt to avoid confronting the source of conflict. How can you work through these challenges and come out stronger?

Finding Solutions

Marriage counseling can be a great way to address challenges you may be facing as a couple. Couples therapy is most effective during the early stages of conflict. However, it is often sought by couples who are already considering separation because challenges persisted for so long, causing a great deal of damage. You don’t have to wait until your relationship is in real danger to seek help from a professional counselor.

Knowing the Right Time to Seek Counseling

Sadly, relationship problems are not confined to the couples alone. Other members of the family, particularly children can also be adversely affected.

Don’t wait for relationship problems to affect your entire family, for them to interfere with your daily functioning, or make you question whether or not you want to stay married. The caring, independently licensed therapists at Carolina Counseling Services – Southern Pines, NC are trained to help you navigate the challenges your relationship is facing and come out stronger together. Call to make your appointment today!

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